O Brasil destaca-se no cenário internacional como o principal produtor de pedras preciosas da atualidade, especialmente de gemas coradas (coloridas). Os estudos geológicos, aliados aos registros históricos de produção, desde a época colonial, indicam que o território brasileiro detém inúmeras reservas de importância estratégica para a nação, tais como: esmeralda, crisoberilo, alexandrita, turmalina, água-marinha, topázio imperial, kunzita, granada, ametista, citrínio, ágata e opala. Pode-se destacar dentre as gemas coradas brasileiras de maior valor e atratividade para os joalheiros, admiradores e investidores de todo o mundo: a alexandrita, o crisoberilo olho-de-gato e a indicolita. ALEXANDRITA (Óxido de Berílio e Alumínio: Br Al2 O4)
CRISOBERILO OLHO-DE-GATO (Óxido de Berílio e Alumínio: Br AI2 04)
INDICOLITA (Borossilicato Complexo de Alumínio de Composição Variável: (Na, Ca, K) (Mg, Al, Fe2+, Fe3+, Li, Mn)3 (Al, Cr, Fe3+, V3+)6 (Bo3)3 Si6 018 (OH,F)4
WALID EL KOURY DAOUD Diretor Técnico do Museu Nacional de Gemas - Brasília -DF BRAZILIAN GEMS
Brazil has been internationally regarded as the main producer of gems, specially colored ones. Since colonial times, geological studies, coupled with production historical records, have shown Brazilian territory bears several reserves of nationally strategic importance, such as: emerald, chrysoberyl, alexandrite, tourmaline, aquamarine, imperial topaz, kunzite, garnet, amethyst, citrine, agate and opal. Now, we must spotlight the Brazilian gems of highest value and attractiveness for jewelers, admirers and investors from around the world: alexandrite, cat's eye chrysoberyl and indicolite. ALEXANDRITE (Beryllium Aluminum Oxide: Br AI2 O4) This is a variety of chrysoberyl which is famous for its special property to change colors, according to the striking light: at daylight, it is green like an emerald and at night (artificial light), it is red like a ruby. Originally found in Russia, its name is a tribute to Czar Alexander II. Nowadays, it is produced, in Brazil, in three main areas: Hematita/MG (the most important one), Carnaíba/BA and Minaçu/GO. CAT'S EYE CHRYSOBERYL (Beryllium Aluminum Oxide: Br AI2 04) This gem is thus named for the chatoyant effect produced by its countless empty channels or amianthus capillaries which run in parallel along its axle. This phenomenon centralizes a luminous silvery stripe on the gem surface cut in cabochon style, making it resemble the iris of a cat's eye. The more perfect the phenomenon, the more valuable the gem is. Cat's eyes are mainly found in Padre Paraíso/MG. INDICOLITE (Borosilicate Complex of Variable Composition Aluminum: (Na, Ca, K) (Mg, Al, Fe2+, Li, Mn)3 (Al, Cr, Fe3+, V3+)6 (Bo3)3 Si6 018 (OH,F)4 This indigo blue gem (its name is from the Greek indikós) is rarely found, what makes this variety of tourmaline one of the most eagerly wanted gems for collectors. It is found in the Araçuaí-ltinga area, Rio Piauí (pirineus mine)/MG, and in the States of Paralba and Tocantins. WALID EL KOURY DAOUD Technical Director of the National Museum of Gems - Brasília-DF |