Existe umpovo que a bandeira empresta Pra cobrir tanta infâmia e cobardia! ... ( ..) Auriverde pendão da minha terra, Que a brisa do Brasil beija e balança,Estandarte que à luz do sol encerra, As promessas divinas da esperança, Tu, que da liberdade após a guerra Fôste hasteado dos heróis na lança, Antes te houvessem rôto na batalha Que servires a umpovo de mortalha! ( ..) Andrada! arranca esse pendão dos ares!... Colombo! fecha a porta de teus mares! ...
CONSUELO PONDE DE SENA Presidente do Instituto Geográfico e Histórico da Bahia e da Coinissão dos 150 Anos do Nasciinento de Castro Alves
Antônio de Castro Alves the major "condoreiro" (elevated, hyperbolical, antithesis style) poet and the last of the Brazilian romantics was born on March 14, 1847, in the "Cabaceiras" farm, in Muritiba - BA. After graduating in Humanities in Salvador, in 1862, he moved to Recife. There he was admitted into its traditional School of Law. Early he was distinguished in the capital of Pernainbuco as a poet involved in the liberal and abolitionist causes of the academic youth of his times. Participant of the national romantic generation Castro Alves has expressed - as few have done - the ideals of that time carried by the generosity of his heart and the burning impetus of his genius. At the Recife's School of Law he was fellow student of Tobias Barreto, also a "condoreiro" poet with whom he has polemized at famous literary meetings. In Recife, Castro Alves had the opportunity to meet the actress Eugênia Câinara, his utmost muse and the most vigorous passion of his life. In 1867, Castro Alves leaves definitely Recife and with Eugenia arrives in Salvador where he dedicates his time to theater, music and letters leaving behind his juridical studies. On September 7, 1867, at the São Joâo Theater he presents the drama "Gonzaga or the Minas Revolution", his unique play, with Eugênia playing the major role. Castro Alves moves to São Paulo with Eugênia and applies for the School of Law where he is received calorously not only by the academic youth but also by the press. "In this year (1868) he is consagrated as the first Brazilian poet of his times and is approved in the application for the 3rd juridical year", wrote Silio Boccanera Junior. In a trip to Rio de Janeiro he meets José de Alencar and Machado de Assis. The latter commented about him: "I think that he is an original poet... The muse of Mr. Castro Alves has her own style". At that same year he separated definitely from Eugênia Câinara, a sad ending of a love affair that plunged him into deep melancholy. The story says that to forget his sadness, he becomes an adept at hunting. During one of these huntings he hurts his foot accidentally with his gun. He is taken to Rio de Janeiro where be had his foot amputated fact that has aggravated his illness. Silent and weak he comes back to Bahia... bringing as only ambition the hope of dying among his own. In Salvador he keeps busy with the preparation of "Floating Foams" the only book published during his life. In addition to his lyrical side expressed by the amorous and naturist style, he was a remarkable social epical poet. His poems on behalf of the abolitionist cause gave him the cognomen of Poet of the Slaves. On July 6, 1871, 24 years old, he died in Salvador. He received from all over the country the consagration as the major poet of his times and one of the main poets of the national literature.
CONSUELO PONDE DE SENA President of Geographic and Historical Institute of Bahia and President of the Committee for the 150 Years of Birth of Castro Alves (Govern ment of the State of Bahia)