Espirito inquieto e sonhador, Juscelino Kubitschek se emprega como telegrafista e inicia seus estudos na Faculdade de Medicina de Minas Gerais. Diplomado, especializa-se em urologia na França e ingressa, em 1931, na Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais, onde alcança o posto de Coronel-médico, participando, como defensor do governo constituído, do combate à Revolução de 1932. Em 1931, casa-se com D. Sarah Luiza Gomes de Lemos.Dotado de notável inteligência e vasta cultura humanística, inicia sua resplandecente vida politica, em 1933, na Chefia de Gabinete do Governador Benedito Valadares, em Minas Gerais. Foi Deputado Federal em duas legislaturas, Senador, Prefeito de Belo Horizonte e Governador de Minas Gerais, época em que, com seu largo descortinio de homem público, se afirma como admirável administrador e politico sagaz. O êxito de sua administração fértil e dinâmica repercute em todos os recantos do Pais. Percebe, então que havia chegado o momento de lançar-se candidato à Suprema Magistratura do Pais para realizar seu acalentado sonho de transformar o Brasil numa respeitável Nação progressista. Venceu as eleições, enfrentou sérios obstáculos para assumir a Presidência da República a 31 de janeiro de 1956. Durante a campanha presidencial lançara o slogan "Cinqüenta anos em cinco", e elaborara um audacioso "Programa de Metas" cumprido integralmente. Promoveu o desenvolvimento e a modernização do Pais infundindo no povo brasileiro um otimismo contangiante. No âmbito internacional, teve o mérito de criar a Operação Pan-ameticana, cuja principal finalidade era despertar as esperanças e as energias dos povos americanos, principalmente da América Latina, com o objetivo comum do combate ao subdesenvolvimento. Na realidade Juscelino Kubitschek inspirou uma época que corria ó risco de afogar-se na trivialidade. Foi um sonhador e um realizador. Ousava fazer e sabia fazer. E também como todos os gênios tinha o dom da previsão. Não for;a esta virtude, não téria aceito o desafio de construir Brasília, sua Meta-sintese nem teria profetizado, na sua primeira viagem ao ermo dó Planalto, a 2 de outubro de 1956, numa explosão de entusiasmo: "Deste Planalto Central, desta solidão que em breve se transformará em cérebro das mais altas decisões nacionais, lanço os olhos mais uma vez sobre o amanhã do meu Pais e antevejo esta alvorada, com fé inquebrantável e uma confiança sem limites no seu grande destino". Com a visão de estadista, que pensa nas gerações futuras, e a paciência do político, chegou ao fim do governo consagrado pelo povo. Cassado seu mandato e suspensos seus direitos políticos, em 1964, suportou com estoicismo o exílio, desenvolvendo, após regressar ao Brasil, intensa atividade na literatura, na agricultura e na empresa privada. Violento acidente a 22 de agosto de 1976 roubou-lhe a vida. Permanece porém, como indelével recordação, o edificante exemplo que legou às gerações futuras. MEMORIAL JK
HOMAGE TO THE PRESIDENT JUSCELINO KUBITSCHEK- THE BRASILIA'S FOUNDER Juscelino Kubitschek (JK) was born in the historic village of Diamantina located at the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Son of a modest family his father was a commercial traveler and his mother an elementary school teacher who educated him alone, since his father died, when Juscelino was a child. Juscelino Kubitschek was a dreamer having an active mind. Started his medical studies at Minas Gerais School of Medicine while working as a telegraphist. As a graduate student he took in France, a specialization course on Urology. In 193; he became member of the Military Police of Minas Gerais State. There he got to the rank of Doctor Colonel. As a defender of the constituted Government he combated the Revolution of 1932. In 1931 Juscelino married Miss Sarah Luiza Gomes de Lemos. He was an intelligent person who had a profound knowledge of Humanities. In 1933 he started his brilliant political life being Head of the Cabinet of the Governor Benedito Valadares, in Minas Gerais. During his career he got the offices of Federal Deputy (two terms), Senator, Mayor of the city of Belo Horizonte. But it was as Governor of Minas Gerais that he could evince his talent being an excellent administrator and a sagacious politician. The success of his fruitful and dynamic administration was known in the whole country. By that time he noticed that it was the right opportunity to be candidate to the supreme magistrate of the country - The Presidency of the Republic. Thus his dream of changing Brazil into a respectable and developed Nation could come true. He won the elections but he had to overcome serious obstacles before assuming the office of President on January 31St, 1956. During the presidential campaign his motto was: "50 Years in 5 Years". He prepared an audacious "Program of Tasks" which was totally carried out. Kubitschek fostered the development as well as the modernization of the country, inspiring optimism among the Brazilians. In the International scope he idealized the PanAmerican Operations having as a main purpose to foment the hope and the energy of the American people, specially of the Latin American people, in order to eradicate the underdevelopment in the continent. In reality Juscelino Kubitschek revolutionized an epoch which was condemned to be a commonplace period. He was a dreamer and a maker who had the courage and the necessary knowledge to do things. A genius who like all geniuses was also a predictor and it was because of this virtue he decided to build Brasília. This decision was for him a challenge and the main purpose of his government. On October 2nd, 1956, during his first visit to the place chosen for the construction of the new city - a desert highland located at the central part of Brazil - he made, enthusiastically, a prophecy as follows: "From this central highland, from this lonely place which very soon will be the headoffice of the main national decisions, I sight the future of my country and I can foresee, faithfully, a new dawn for my homeland relying on its destiny". A person with a statesman mind, always worried about new generations, and a patience of a politician, JK ended his presidential term acclaimed by the people. In 1964 he had his political mandate taken away as well as his political rights. He accepted with stoicism the exile and when he came back to Brazil he worked, actively, in private enterprises dedicating also his time to literature and agriculture. He died on August 22nd 1976 in a terrible car accident. But we keep alive his example which is a legacy for new generations. MEMORIAL JK |