Intervales State Park is situated on a 3300 ft high
escarpment, the Serra do Mar, that parallels the
Atlantic coast of SE Brazil. The park consists of 4
adjacent reserves covering some 450 sq. miles and
contains pristine Atlantic forests over an
altitudinal gradient from nearly sea level to 3000
ft. elevation. Only the upper part of the park has
been open to the public. This area is surrounded by
forest and has a short trail through secondary
growth. In addition to this trail, there are two
main birding areas. One is Carmo, a small research
station that has 2 trails. The road to Carmo is 9km
long and surrounded by forest all the way. The
second area is Barra Grande, which is 6 miles from
the park. A 4-wheel drive track within Barra Grande
traverses primary forest for 6-10 miles and is
excellent for birding, especially the first couple
Notable birds include Mantled Hawk,
Black-fronted Piping-Guan, Rusty-barred Owl,
Buff-fronted Owl, Crescent-chested Puffbird,
Red-eyed Thornbird, Giant Antshrike, Swallow-tailed
Cotinga, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Bare-throated
Bellbird, Azure-throated Tanager, Golden-chevroned
Tanager, and Black-legged Dacnis. Long-trained
Nightjar has been staked out 2 miles from the start
of the road to Barra Grande.